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Siehe Video (in Spanish): El pensamiento vivo de la información. Entrevista con Robson Ashtoffen (Brussels, 13. November 2012). Siehe auch meine digitalen Bibliothek. INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS AND FORUMS ![]() Forum: Foundations of
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Gilbert Simondon: L'individuation à la lumière des notions de forme et d'information. Grenoble: Millon 2005 (rééd. révisée, 2013). Ken Herold (ed.): The Philosophy of Information. In: Library Trends, Winter 2004. Bernd Frohmann: Deflating Information. From Science Studies to Documentation. Toronto 2004. Luciano Floridi: The Philosophy of Information. Oxford 2013. Wolfgang Hofkirchner: Emergent Information. A Unified Theory of Information Framework. Singapore: World Scientific Publ. 2013. |
2020 Mark Burgin, Jaime F.
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