Lehre - Teaching 



Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin

STI Transfer-Institut Herrenberg

Seminar: Wissensmanagement
Seminar: Inf.management und Neue Medien

    MBA International Entrepreneurship

    Seminar: Information Management and New Media

    Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro
    Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart (HdM)

    SIMT Stuttgart
    Filderhauptstr. 142 (Raum SR6, Kurs INT 14)
    70599 Stuttgart

    November 14-16, 2007



    To analize and improve the management of external information resources in your company.

    The seminar focuses on identifying external resources on:
    - Political, environmental, societal, and technological trends (P.E.S.T.)
    - Customers
    - Competitors

    The participants will acquire and/or develop their knowledge in dealing with:
    - Internet resources
    - Scientific, technical and economic data bases
    - Library resources
First Day
Focus: Analyze the management of external IR in your company

Second Day

Focus: Identify new external IR relevant to your company

Third Day
Focus: Problems and solutions for improving the IRM in your company




First Day

November 14, 2007

Analyze the management of external IR in your company

14:00 - 14:30 Welcome

    • professional presentation of the participants
    • goals
    • expectations
    • structure of the seminar
    • Website, bibliography

14:30 - 16:00 Introduction

The Information Management Process

Identify -> Collect -> Organize -> Share -> Adapt -> Use -> Create -> ...

16.00 - 16.15 Coffee break

16:15 - 18:00 Presentations from the participants

  • External information resources used in your company
  • External Information resources needed in your company
  • Management of external information in your company
  • Problems of external information resources management in your company

16.15 - 16.30 Wenyi An (China), Master of Engineering
MTS Sensor Technologies GmbH & Co KG

16.30 - 16.45 Ruslan Vavilov (Russia), Dipl. Ing.
Haver-Böcker Drahtweberei und Maschinenfabrik

16.45 - 17.00 Erol Kanar (Turkey), Bachelor of Science
Aurora Konrad G.Schulz & Co. KG

17.00 - 17.15 Yong Xiang (China), Master of Law
Poli-Film GmbH

17.15 - 17.30 Lei Shi (China), Bachelor of Engineering
3C Consulting GmbH

17.30 - 17.45 Sergey Andreev (Russia), Dipl.Ing.
Gühring oHG

17.45 - 18.00 Patricia Carolina Zumaeta Valenzuela (Perú), Master of Science
Görlitz AG

Second Day

November 15, 2007

Identify new external IR relevant to your company

    9:00 - 11:30 Presentations from the participants and discussion

    • External information resources used in your company
    • External Information resources needed in your company
    • Management of external information in your company
    • Problems of external information resources management in your company


Internet Resources, Blogs, Wikis
Providers of Scientific, Technical and Economic Information
Library Resources


Trade and Business Search Engines, Market Portals, Blogs, Wikis, Second Life...:

Search Engines (general)

:: Evaluation tool: Searchenginewatch

Trade Search Engines and Portals (Products, Companies)
Business search engines and portals


China: Search Engines and Market Portals

    :: Chinese Search Engines:

    • Baidu: popular search engine
    • Sina: popular search engine with local news and entertainment
    • Sohu: popular search engine
    • Yahoo Chinese
    • Google Chinese: the best search engine for professional searches
    • China Search: covers some 1000 Chinese websites, including official news agents (Xinhua New Agent, China Daily, local official websites, industry websites
    • China Projects: Search Engines (Companies, E-Mails etc.)
:: Chinese Market Portals:

-> University of Texas: China - Government and Politics, Legal System
-> Portal of the Michigan State University (USA): Global Edge: China
-> Directory of German Companies in China
China GIC-AHK.de (Delegations of German Industry & Commerce)
-> Chinese Business and Trade Links
-> China Projects
-> Patent Data Bases: STN Chinese Agent's Website and stnchina.com
Wanfangdata.com (S&T, Chinese Patents) 
patent.com.cn (Chinese Patents)

Russia: Search Engines and Portals

:: General Search Engines
:: Trade Shows and Exhibitions
:: Automotive Industry Statistics
:: Catalogue of industrial companies in Moscow

:: Russian OEM Associations:
:: Other useful links:


:: Blog Search Engines

:: Company blogs:
:: How to set up a blog: Typolis.net

Wood, L.: Blogs & Wikis: Technologies for Enterprise Applications? Gilbane Group (2005)

:: Jörg Auf dem Hövel: Lass das doch die Community machen. Telepolis 07.06.06


:: Wikis
Bartel, T.: Wikis in Unternehmen - Kollaboratives Arbeiten mit Wikis im Unternehmensumfeld (2006)
Hogl, S. / Strohmer, J. / Braune, J. & Klatt, A.: Empirische Untersuchung zum Einsatz von Wikis in Unternehmen. Projektbericht, 200%

Millen, D. / Feinberg, J. / Kerr, B.: Social Bookmarking in the Enterprise. ACM Queue 2005


Social Networking Services (SNS)

- orkut.com
- MySpace.com
- mindsay.com

Shared Services

- Videos: youtube.com

- Social bookmarking: del.icio.us
- Pictures:
- Blogs: Typolis.net

Web filtering

-> boing boing. a directory of wonderful things (Meta-blog)

-> Aggregating web filtering files: popurls.com


- Phone: Skype
- Maps: GoogleMaps
- RSS-Agregator: Netvibes.com

- Translator


    :: International Providers

-> Skript

:: European Union: Market Information Sources

Enterprise Policy
RIS (Technical Standards)

:: German Providers


:: German Libraries:

15.00 - 17.00
Identify new relevant external Information Resources

Third Day

November 16, 2007

Problems and solutions for improving the IRM in your company

    9:00 - 13:00 Problems and solutions for improving the IRM in your company

    13.00 - 14.00 Lunch

    14.00 - 17.00 Presentation and discussion

    • What new external IR have you identified?
    • How will you improve the process of external IR in your company?
    • What were your expectations and what did you achieve?
    • What follows next?

    Competitive Intelligence Service

    -> Business Intelligence 

    Knowledgemarkt: Status quo Business Intelligence 
    Fank, Matthias: White Paper Business Intelligence (2002) (pdf)

    -> Information and Knowledge Management

    • Bauer, H.: Unternehmensportale. Geschäftsmodelle, Design, Technologien. Bonn: Galileo Press 2001
    • Capurro, Rafael: Lässt sich Wissen managen? Eine informationswissenschaftliche Perspektive. In: W.-F. Riekert, M. Michelson Hrsg.: Informationswirtschaft. Innovation für die Neue Ökonomie. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag 2001, 139-172.
    • Online: Lässt sich Wissen managen? Eine informationswissenschaftliche Perspektive  
    • Capurro, R.: Bausteine des Wissensmanagements 
    • Capurro, R.: Skeptisches Wissensmanagement 
    • Forschungsinstitut für anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung (FAW Ulm) im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung: Management von nicht-explizitem Wissen: Noch mehr von der Natur lernen. im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, März 2001.
    • Online: http://www1.faw.uni-ulm.de/deutsch/publikationen/bmbf-studie/index.html 
    • Lucas, Reinhard: Eine Brücke zwischen explizitem und implizitem Wissen
    • in: wissensmanagement online (06/2003) 
    • Nonaka, I., Takeuchi, H.: Die Organisation des Wissens. Frankfurt a.M. 1997
    • Picot, Arnold ; Reichwald, Ralf;  Wigand, Rolf: Die grenzenlose Unternehmung. Information, Organisation und Management. Lehrbuch zur Unternehmensführung im Informationszeitalter. Gabler 2003 (5. Aufl.)
    • Probst, G., Raub, S., Romhardt, K.: Wissen managen. Wir Unternehmen ihre wertvollste Ressource optimal nutzen. Wiesbaden 2003 (4th ed.). 
    • Spinosa, Ch., Flores, F., Dreyfus, H.L.: Disclosing New Worlds. Entrepreneurship, Democratic Action, and the Cultivation of Solidarity, MIT (1997)
    • Stock, W: Anwendungsbeispiele Online-gestützter Betriebswirtschaft. In: W. Pepels, Hg.: E-Business-Anwendungen in der Betriebswirtschaft. Herne/Berlin: Verlag Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe 2002, S. 198-315. 
    • Von Krogh, G., Ichijo, K., Nonaka, I.: Enabling Knowledge Creation. How to Unlock the Mystery of Tacit Knowledge and Release the Power of Innovation. Oxford 2000.
    • Hofmann, U.: Globale Informationswirtschaft. Management, Technologien, Strategien. Wien: Oldenbourg 1999 
    • Voß, S., Gutenschwager, K.: Informationsmanagement. Berlin: Springer 2001
    • Winograd, T., Flores, F.: Understanding Computers and Cognition. New Jersey 1986.

-> Information Retrieval
    • Baeza-Yates, R., Ribeiro Neto, B.: Modern Information Retrieval. Addison Wiley 1999.
    • Cronin, B. (Ed.): Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST). Medford, New Jersey: Information Today, Inc. Vol. 36 (2002)Vol. 37 (2003), Vol. 38 (2004)

-> Classification Scheme

      Source: Marthinus S. van der Walt: A Classification Scheme for the Organization of Electronic Documents in Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs). In: Knowl. Organization 31 (2004) No. 1, 26-38.

0 General documents
1 External environment
2 Management (General)
3 Finance (financial management)
4 Human resources
5 Products & Services
6 Marketing & Sales
7 Customers
8 Special collections
9 Other subjects

      0 General documents
      (Use class 0 when a document cannot be classed in 1-9 below)
      Annual reports, Correspondance, Databases, Journals, Maps, Meetings, Newsletters/Bulletings (internal), Newspapers, Pictures (indlucing company logo, clipart, graphics downloaded from the Internet), Policies and procedures, Reports, Templates

      1 External environment
      (Class here documents about external factors that might impact on the enterprise, influencing strategic decision-making)
      Competitors, Consumer associations (subdivide by name), Ecologial issues, Economic issues, Government (laws, regulations...) Industry/Trade Associations, Labour unions, Market analyses, Political issues, Social & cultural issues, Suppliers / Service providers (Contracts and agreements, Correspondance, Orders, Products/services (catalogues, price lists), Technology (IT Trends, new production technology, etc.)

      2 Management (General)
      (Custormer relationship management: class in 7, Financial Management: class in 3, Human resources management: class in 4)
      Information (& knowledge) management (including access to information, Marketing management (class in 6), Meetings: minutes and agendas, Mergers  & acquisitions, Physical resources management, Productions management (class in 5), Public relations management, Quality management, Restructuring, Risk management (emergency planning, security etc.), Sales  management (class in 6), Strategic planing (business plans, mission statements)

      3 Finance (financial management)
      Auditors (reports, correspondence), Banks (statements, Contracts, Correspondence), Budgets, Creditors, Debtors & debt collection, Financial reports, Insurance (of assets), Investments (subdivide by financial institution), Invoices & orders (arrange by invoice number), Municipal rates & taxes, Petty cah, Physical assets (Buildings, Computers, Furniture...), Rental (premises & equipment), Taxes

      4 Human resources
      Advertisements, Affirmative action, Applicants, Career development, Health and safety, Housing scheme, HR database, Insurance benefits, Labour relations (discipline,grievance procedure, disputes, strikes, arbitration), Leave, Medical scheme, Motor vehicle scheme, Pension fund, Performance appraisal, Remuneration (compensation, salaries, wages), Skils inventory, social functions, Staff, Training, Workplance skills plan

      5 Products & Services
      Accreditation, Course material, Equipement, Materials, Product manuals/instructions, Product specifications, Production costs (calculations, reports), Production figures (statistics), Production processes, Quality control (including standards), Research & Development (projects, reports), Stock inventories

      6 Marketing & Sales
      After-sales service, Delivery notes, Market research reports (internal), Order forms, Price lists (prices/fees of the company's own products/services, Product descriptions (catalogues), Promotions (marketing plans, campaigns, sales promotions), Publicity materials (advertisements, information sheets & brochures, newsletters), Sales figures/reports, Sales representatives reports (subdivide by name), Tenders

      7 Customers
      Certification (proof of training courses attended/passed, Competitions, Customer database, Customer service, Functions (social, prize-giving, etc.), Individuals (subdivide by name or categories, e.g., tourist guides, students, secretaries), Organizations (subdivide by name or category, e.g., businesses, churches, farms). If necessary, subdivide each customer as follows: Contracts and agreements, Correspondence, Logos, Orders, Quotes & proposals.

      8 Special collections
      Use for categories of documents that should be stored separately from those classed in 0-7, e.g., documentation of cross-functional projects and restricted access documents.

      9 Other subjects
      Use for documents on subjects that might be of interest to the company, but do not fall under any of the subjects listed above. Create subject headings as the need arises, or adapt a general classification scheme such as the Dewey Decimal Classification. In the latter case the numbers from the scheme can be used for subdivision after 9, e.g., 91 Philosophy, 92 Religion, 93 Social Sciences, 94 Languages, 95 Science, 96 Technology, 97 Art, 98 Literature, 99 History, Geography, Biography.

10 principles of good document management

Source: European Commission e-domec

1 Register all important documents
2 Regiser them in the appropriate application
3 Create a file for each action
4 Specify who is responsible for each file
5 Keep documents in the correct file
6 Organize your files to give a good overview of your activities
7 Use the filing plan to organize your files
8 Store your files in the agreed locations
9 Work together: avoid keeping multiple copies
10 Any problems? Contact your DMO!

-> Information Ethics


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