
Rafael Capurro


Contribution to the WSIS+10 High-Level Event, Geneva, Session: C10 Ethical Dimensions of the Information Society - Information Ecologies, Social Transformations, Ethics and Policy (UNESCO), Switzerland, June 12, 2014. See PP.

See the former report: Information Ethics in Africa. Past, present and future activities (2007-2010)

For more information see Africa Network for Information Ethics (ANIE).




I. Conferences
II. Publications



Since the first African Conference on Information Ethics Information Ethics in Africa that took place in Pretoria (South Africa) on February 5-7, 2007, the field of Information Ethics has been growing dynamically as my former report on Information Ethics in Africa 2007-2010 shows.

In the last three and a half years several conferences have taken place and books have been published based on the passionate work of the staff of the 2012 created African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics (ACEIE) at the Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria (South Africa), particularly of his head, Mr Coetzee Bester, as well as of the head of the department, Prof. Theo Bothma.

The creation of this centre is, indeed, an outstanding event for the promotion of Information Ethics in Africa. The ACEIE has organized a lot of meetings and workshops on ethical issues of ICT not only in South Africa but accross the continent as well. In this report, I refer only to some main conferences co-organized by the Department of Communications of South Africa under the patronage of UNESCO, as well as by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE) and the Capurro Fiek Foundation (CFF).




Africa Network for Information Ethics (ANIE): 3rd International Conference on Information Ethics (2012)

The Third African Information Ethics Conference on Ethics and Social Media was held in Pretoria, South Africa, 5-7 September 2012, under the auspices of UNESCO, sponsored by the South African Government, Department of Communications and organized by the University of Pretoria, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and the International Center of Information Ethics: See Provisional Programme

Pre-Conference Workshop

Reports of participating universities:

- University of Zululand, South Africa
- University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
- University of Zambia, Zambia
- Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, Tanzania
- University of Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
- University of Fort Hare, South Africa
- Rodes University, South Africa
- Kenya Polytechnic University College, Kenya
- University of Botswana, Botswana
- University of Nairobi, Kenya
- Moi University , Kenya
- Makerere University, Uganda
- University of Ibaban, Nigeria
- University of Zanzibar, Tanzania
- University of Ghana, Ghana
- Uganda Christian University, Ghana
- University of Pretoria, South Africa

Training the Trainers - detailed discussion of the curriculum content

ANIE Conference

5 September

Introduction to the Conference Theme: Social Media and Information Ethics in Africa, Prof. Rafael Capurro

The role of Government in sustaining Information Ethics, Dr. Harold Wesso, Department of Communications, South African Government

Guidelines towards WSIS Action Lines on Information Ethics, Mr Jaco du Toit, UNESCO

6 September

Theme discussions:

Session 1:
- Globalization versus public information ethics (Prof. Edwin Ijeoma, Univ. of Fort Hare)
- Child protection and social media (Prof. Jacques du Plessis, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- Ethical dimension of social media in teaching and learning at the university (Prof. Stephen Mutula, Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal)

Session 2:
- Ethical Challenges of supervising undergraduate research - a case study of Ugandan universities  (Dr Jane Kawalya and Mr Abel Mukakanya)
- Social media of social exclusion (Ms Esther Obachi, Univ. of Nairobi)
- Challenges and opportunities of social media teaching and research in Africa (Prof. Dennis Ocholla, Univ. of Zululand, South Africa)

Session 3:
- Students' perception on dissemination of information through social media by university libraries in Kenya
(Ms Hellen Amunga, Kenyatta Univ.).
- The impact on privacy and freedom of laws on social media (Prof. Japhet Otike, Moi University)
-  Theme T.B.C. (Mr Kgosi Maepa)

Session 4:
- Social media and information ethics awareness on universities in Kenya (Ms Jane Maina)
- Information ethics and the social media: An LIS educationalist view (Prof. Isaac Kigongo-Bukenya, Makerere Univ.)
- Social media in Africa. Urban and rural considerations: Is there a gap? (Ms Nozipho Mashiyi, SA National Department of Communications)

Session 5:
- Challenges of social media in LIS Ethics in Africa (Dr Sarah Kaddu, Uganda Christian Univ.)
- Social Media and rewards management: the missing link (Prof. Nathan Mnjama, Botswana Univ.)
- Theme TBC (Mrs Esabel Maisiri and R Lawton Hikwa)

7 September

Session 6:
- Social media for information dissemination in libraries (Ms Sarah Kibugi, Kenya Polytechnic Univ. Colelge)
- Are established democracies less vulnerable to internet censorship than authoritarian regimes? The social media test (Ms Lilian Ingutia-Oyieke, Prof. Archie Dick and Prof. Theo Bothma)
- Mobile learning and Information Ethics (Ms Shafika Isaacs, UNESCO International Consultant)

Session 7:
- Theme T.B.C. (Iyabo Mabawonku (Univ. of Ibaden)
- Trends in transition from classical censorship to internet censorship: selected countries overview (Dr Connie Bitso, Prof. Ina Fourie and Prof. Theo Bothma, Univ. of Pretoria)
- Theme T.B.C. (Dr Shana Ponelis, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

The Capurro-Fiek-Foundation (CFF) together with the African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics (ACEIE), Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria had the pleasure to present the second ANIE (Africa Network for Information Ethics) Award to Prof. Stephen Mutula (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) for his outstanding support of information ethics in Africa.


Photo: The Director of the Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics at the University of Pretoria, Mr. Coetzee Bester, the Vice-chancellor and Principal of the University of Pretoria, Prof Cheryl de la Rey, and the prize winner, Prof. Stephen Mutula.

The conference was preceded by a workshop in cooperation with SCECSAL XX Conference on Information for sustainable development in a digital environment, that took place in Nairobi (Kenya), 2-3 June 2012. See also SCECSAL Forum.

ANIE Nairobi 2012

14th Information Studies (IS) Annual Conference on Information Ethics in Africa

14th Information Studies (IS) Annual Conference on Information Ethics in Africa, was organized by the University of Zululand, Department of Information Studies (South Africa), 4-7 September, 2013.

See the proceedings "Information Ethics in Africa" ed. by Denis Ocholla and Janneke Moskert, University of Zululand, 2013, ISBN 978-0-620-45757-6.


A consideration of Teaching Information Ethics on Second Year Level at the University of Pretoria: A case-study of Integrating Theoretical Information Ethics with Practical Application.
Erin Hommes and Rachel Bothma

Does Open Access Prevent Plagiarism in Higher Education?
Dennis N. Ocholla and Lyudmila Ocholla

Electronic Waste: the Dumping Site of the Information Age
Laetitia Marais and Marlene A. Holmner

Ethical Dimensions of Theoretical Framework in Qualitative and Quantitative Research - An Analysis of
Modernisation Theory as Applying to Informal Sector Women Entrepreneurs  
Veli Jiyane

Ethical Issues and Challenges in the Access and Use of Information Services in Public Libraries in Nigeria: A PAPA Model Analysis
A.A. Salman, D.N. Ocholla, B.J. Mostert, T. Mugwisi

Information Literacy Programmes in Selected Nairobi - Based Public and Private Universities in Kenya
G. M. Kingori, .A Chege, and .H Kemoni

Information Seeking Behavior in the Academic Environment: A Study of Informal Sector Entrepreneurship in Lagos State
R. Odunlade, Opeyemi and Ojo, J. Onaade

Privacy and Public Access: Using Internet Cafés in Zimbabwe
Lawton Hikwa and Esabel Maisiri
Challenges of Access and Use of University Library Services in Uganda: Some Ethical Considerations.
Maurice Kisenyi

Impact of Digital Divide on the Access and Use of Electronic Information Resources at Egerton University, Kenya
Millicent Ong’ondo-Ongus

zululand conference


UNESCO - IFAP InfoEthics WG: Riga Global Meeting of Experts on the Ethical Aspects of Information Society, Keynote: Why Information Ethics?(PP); WG Presentation: Information Ethics in Africa 2007-2013 (PP), Riga, October 16-17, 2013.

Africa Network for Information Ethics (ANIE): 4th International Conference on Information Ethics (2014)

The theme: Information Ethics in Africa - cross cutting themes for managing your digital life.

Venue: Metropole Hotel at Plot 51, Windsor in Kampala, Uganda between 2 and 4 July 2014

The event will be co-sponsored by the South African Government Department of Communications.

Pre-Conference Workshop (2 July):

will focus on matters related to the development and implementtion of the curriculum to teach Information Ethics in Africa. All universities that form part of the project to implement the proposed curriculum to teach Information Ethics in Africa will be expected to present a formal report on 1) What has been done and achieved up until now and 2) what are you planning to do.

Conference (3 - 4 July)

3 July
Paper in framework of the conference theme:
Department of Communications

Information Ethics Colloquium
IE and Philosophy (R. Capurro)
IE and Research (J. Britz, Stephen Mutula)
IE and Teaching (Dennis Ocholla)
IE and e-Governance (DDG Ms Reneva Tourie and Ms Nozipho Sihlahla)

Cumulative and integrated effects of Information Ethigs in Information Societies and other communities

ANIE Awards

4 July
Theme discussions

Session 1:
Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in:
- Academic life
- Personal life
- Business life

Session 2:
Cybercrime and identity theft in
- Academic life
- Personal life
- Business life

Session 3:
Privacy in Social Media in:
- Academic life
- Personal life
- Business life



Concepts on IE

Eds. Candice le Sueur, Erin Hommes and Coetzee Bester. Pretoria 2013 (ISBN 978-1-920527-84-6).

The book was produced by Hercules Boshoff, Rachel Bothma, Erin Hommes and Candice le Sueur. It was published by the African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics, Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa.


1. Access to information
2. Accessibility of information
3. Accountability
4. Cloud Computing
5. Conscience
7. Conflict of interest
8. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
9. Corruption
10. Cyber-bullying
11. Cyber-citizen
12. Cyber-crime
13. Cyber-warfare
14. Deontological ethics
15. Digital divide
16. Digital revolution
17. e-Governance
18. e-Trust
19. e-Waste
20. Electronic Stewardship
21. Ethical hacking
22. Ethics
23. Fraud
24. Globalisation
25. Hacking (and related terms: Hacker, Cracker, and Penetration Testing)
26. Identity theft and identity fraud (refer to fraud)
27. Information
28. Information Age
29. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
30. Information and Knowledge Society
31. Information Anxiety
32. Information appliances
33. Information Ethics (Read in conjuction with Ethics)
34. Information integrity
35. Information life cycle
36. Information literacy
37. Information overload
38. Information poverty
53 (sic). Information Privacy
39. Information System
40. Informational Self-Determination
41. Integrity (as personal integrity)
42. Intellectual Property
43. Intellectual Property Topics of Interest
44. Knowledge Economy
45. Marginalisation
46. Moral development
47. Moral dilemma (or ethical dilemma)
48. Moral enterprise / moral entrepreneur
54 (sic). Moral philosophy (as an introduction to Ethics)
55. Moral relativism (or ethical relativism)
56. Norms
58 (sic) Privacy
59. Social engineering (in ICT environment)
60. Social media
61. Social responsibility (as an introduction to CSR)
62. Stakeholders
63. Sustainable development
64. Trust
65. Utilitarian ethics / Utilitarianism
66. Values (as moral values)
67. Value Sensitive Design (VSD)
68. Virtue Ethics
69. Whistle blowing

IE in Africa

ed. by Dennis Ocholla, Johannes Britz, Rafael Capurro and Coetzee Bester. Published by the African Centre for Information Ethics, Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa, 2013 (ISBN 978-1-920527-65-5)

Chapter One: Understanding Information Ethics  by Johannes Britz (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA and ACEIE, Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, SA)

Chapter Two: Information Ethics in the African Context by Rafael Capurro (ACEIE, Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, SA, International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE), Germany and School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA)

Chapter Three: What is African Information Ethics? by Dennis N. Ocholla (Department of Information Studies, University of Zululand, SA)

Chapter Four: Ethical Dimension of the Information Society: Implications for Africa by Stephen M. Mutula (School of Social Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, SA)

Chapter Five: Ethical Implications of Intellectual Propert in Africa by Dick Kawooya (School of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina, USA)

Chapter Six: e-Government Divide: Implications for sub-Saharan Africa by Stephen Mutula (School of Social Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, SA)

Chapter Seven: To Understand or not to Understand: A Critical Reflection on Information and Knowledge Poverrty by Johannes Britz (Universtiy of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA and ACEIE, Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, SA)

Innovation 2013


Special issue of Innovation on information Ethics by Stephen M. Mutula
Editorial by Stephen M. Mutula
Chronologial discussion of ANIE events 2007-2012 by Coetzee Bester and Rachel Bothma
Introducing information ethics in the curriculum at Kenyatta University: views from lecturers and post-graduate students by Hellen Agnes Amunga
Information ethics integration in the curriculum at the University of KwaZulu Natal by Stephen Mutula and Lulu Mmakola
Integration of open access agenda in research and civic literacy and some ethical dimensions by Dennis Ocholla.
Medicine 2.0. Reflections on a pathology of the information society by Rafael Capurro
Global governance and democratisation ethics: a reflection by Edwin E.O. Ijeoma
When the last mile becomes the longest mile: a critical reflection on Africa's ability of transform itself to become part of the global knowledge society by M Holmmer and J.J. Britz.

 Last Update: June 10, 2014


Copyright © 2014 by Rafael Capurro, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. and international copyright law, and it may be archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that the author is notified and no fee is charged for access. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the author.


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